UI: Components

Components prefixed with * are not ready or developed yet.

  1. Accordion
  2. Alert
  3. Analog Clock
  4. Anchor
  5. Autosuggest
  6. Avatar
  7. Avatar List
  8. Badge
  9. Bento
  10. Blinds
  11. Blink
  12. Blockquote
  13. BMI Calculator
  14. Breadcrumbs
  15. Bubble Grid
  16. Button
  17. Button Group
  18. Calculator
  19. Calendar
  20. Card
  21. Carousel
  22. Chat
  23. Check List
  24. Check / Radio
  25. Chip
  26. Chronology
  27. Cinema
  28. Color Compare
  29. Color Grid
  30. Color Key
  31. Color Mask
  32. Color Palette
  33. Color Picker
  34. Color Swatch
  35. Combobox
  36. Confetti
  37. Config Group
  38. Confirm
  39. Context Menu
  40. Countdown
  41. Country
  42. Custom Color
  43. Dark Mode
  44. *Data Entry
  45. Data Grid
  46. Description List
  47. Details
  48. Dialog
  49. Digital Clock
  50. Divider
  51. Dock
  52. Draggable
  53. Drawer
  54. Expand Card
  55. Expand Feature
  56. Feature Compare
  57. File List
  58. File Tree
  59. Flight
  60. Footer
  61. Form
  62. *Form Step
  63. Gallery
  64. Gradient Text
  65. Grid
  66. *GUI App
  67. GUI Control
  68. *GUI Panel
  69. Hex Grid
  70. Icon
  71. Image Compare
  72. Image Gallery
  73. *Image Map
  74. Image Select
  75. Indeterminate
  76. Input Button
  77. Launchpad
  78. Live
  79. Location
  80. Map
  81. Markdown
  82. Marquee
  83. Mask
  84. Menu
  85. Menu JS
  86. Menu List
  87. Meter
  88. Mood
  89. Notification
  90. Number
  91. One Time Code
  92. Overflow
  93. Pagination
  94. Password Strength
  95. Password Toggle
  96. Piano Keys
  97. Pie Chart
  98. Placeholder
  99. Pocket Synth
  100. Position
  101. Price Card
  102. Product Card
  103. Product Grid
  104. Product List Grid
  105. Progress
  106. Progress — Circular
  107. Progress Goal
  108. Progress Meter
  109. Progress Timer
  110. Prompt
  111. Radial Menu
  112. Range
  113. Range — Arc
  114. Range — Circular
  115. Range — Gauge
  116. Range — Mask
  117. Range — MinMax
  118. Rating
  119. Rating Histogram
  120. *Reaction
  121. Reading Progress
  122. Ribbon
  123. Rich Text Editor
  124. Scroll
  125. Scroll-Driven Animations
  126. Scroll Mask
  127. Select
  128. Share
  129. Skeleton
  130. Slider
  131. Slider Control
  132. Slideshow
  133. Spinner
  134. Split Panel
  135. Step
  136. Swap
  137. Syntax Highlight
  138. Tab Bar
  139. Table
  140. Table Resize
  141. Tabs
  142. Tag
  143. Team
  144. Testimonial
  145. Text Slider
  146. Timeline
  147. Timeslot
  148. Toast
  149. Toggle Tip
  150. Toolbar
  151. Tooltip
  152. Transfer List
  153. Underline
  154. Video Embed
  155. *Weather
  156. Wheel of Fortune
  157. Word Cloud
  158. Word Replace
  159. Word Wheel
  160. *World Map
  161. XY Controller
  162. Year