UI: Components


Slider cycles through a series of images, allowing users to manually or automatically navigate using arrows or swiping gestures.

Random image Random image Random image Random image Random image Random image

With opposite color-scheme

Random image Random image Random image Random image Random image Random image

With right-to-left

Random image Random image Random image Random image Random image Random image


With grid-modifiers --sm-c-2 and --md-c-3

Random image Random image Random image Random image Random image Random image

With data-scroll-infinite="true":

Random image Random image Random image

With data-scroll-nav="ui-scroll-nav --inside" and class --rounded:

Random image Random image Random image

With data-scroll-nav="ui-scroll-nav --outside":

With data-scroll-nav="ui-scroll-nav --inside --no-dots", Grid and class --rounded:

Random image Random image Random image Random image Random image